RED Affirmation Word of the Week

Affirmation of the Week

Each week you will start off with an affirmation word that comes from the IDM Pledge Cards. You can choose to go in order of the pledge or choose a random affirmation weekly to correlate with your topic.

Once you choose the affirmation ask the girls to explain how the affirmation affirms them or ask that they journal about it.

As you Reach your Essence of Development 

 WE want to offer you 8 RED keys to Being a Keeper to Self!

8 RED Keys to finding your Strength, Courage & Wisdom

Eight is the number for new beginnings, and as you enter into adolescence to adulthood. Your essence of development will be tested. As you begin to define your journey, we need you to know that no one has all the answers to life. This is a trial an error process, but you can learn from your mistakes and you must! You must keep moving forward, staying strong knowing who holds the key to your destiny. We all have choices but we must listen to that still voice inside that will not compete for attention but will always be ready to share when you can embrace the stillness of listening…

  1.  I Choose. Many times in life you will be influenced to make difficult decisions. Which means you will have to think through what is next for yourself. Remember to always pray on it first! Seek advice from a trusted adult in your life, a counselor, sister or family member. You may be in unchartered territory, doing something you have never done before or no one else has ever done before. This decision can influence the rest of your life. So when you Choose, please do not choose out of fear, always choose having faith knowing you are always becoming! It is your journey so you choose which direction you will go! It takes Courage but you can do it!
  2. I Define Me. Remember; who is the author of your story. No it is not music that defines you, television or social media, but the original author is GOD.  He has a purpose for your life much bigger than you could ever imagine, but you must begin with the end in mind. So write out your personal mission, vision and allow the universe to gift you with details. Be patient. It will be the best gift you shall ever receive. 

  3. Let your light Shine. Know that you are simply beautiful, but beauty starts on the inside. It is definitely important to take care of yourself physically but be conscious of the words that come out of your mouth without filters. Once you make a statement be clear it is out of love and remember someone is always watching you. So stay humble. You don’t have to be the first in a picture or to be in front of a camera for people to see you. You should shine naturally!

  4. Have an intimate relationship with God. Speak to him every day, find a connection to a spiritual family to worship with, read and know the word. So when at your weakest moments you know where to seek your Strength!

  5. Know “This too shall pass.” Know that life will gift you with lessons and you must take the bitter with the sweet. Remember the Serenity prayer. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the knowledge to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Valleys come and go, but if you have God you will be able to keep climbing, turn down a different path and reach your mountaintop.

  6. Be a Voice.  Listen to your voice be honest with yourself. Allow your voice to take a stand for injustices and to be a leader, but remember to stay humble and never surround yourself   around YES girls! You know what I am saying; the type of girls that won’t challenge you to grow. Friends should have similar moral values and boundaries. Remember that birds of a feather flock together so be a good friend to yourself and your sista. If you must share your secrets, sometimes it is best to write it in your personal journal. Being a keeper to self is a necessity. Never allow someone to take your voice, your voice defines your character, when you speak others will listen. Your words matter. Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you treat them.

  7. Know your worth. Remember if a person comes into your life then they are here for two things, to give or to take. So you must take note if they are an asset or a debit. If they are a debit they are no credit to you, therefore you must withdraw. Always sow positive seeds into your life! Remember real love will wait. In this microwave society we are in the everyone wants it now era. Be a Keeper of your values, facebook, instagram and any online outlet that cost you in the future. When you say NO mean it! Have the courage to stand up for what you believe in. Remember sex does not equal love, so by all means if you can stay pure until marriage; make it a goal to pursue purity. If you find this goal difficult for you, make an adult decision and protect yourself at all times and remember you are a gift from God so treasure yourself.  

  8. OWN your NOW! We cannot express enough to walk in your destiny, do the things you love, things that you are led to do and start now with a plan. Don’t be afraid of change, meet new people, step out of your comfort zone, laugh outloud, be bold and create your tomorrow, by owning your today and knowing that having strength, courage and wisdom is an inside job so own it! Thanking God daily for allowing you to celebrate your life today! 


*Please note whatever your beliefs are we honor and respect them. Be well.

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