RED Book- Break The Cycle

Facilitators, ask your girls to turn to page 36 in their books to read and discuss the following:

Break the Cycle

What does society say about you and people who look like in regards to academics? Are those statements true? Do they define you?

Why are academics important? How do your grades today affect your life tomorrow? This year? Next year? How do they relate what you want to do in life?

How will you create new cycles for yourself academically? Will you study days before a test instead versus the day of? Will you take notes in class? Ask teachers or a friend for clarification? Start a study group?

Bonus Activity:

Write a promise letter to yourself stating how you will use your academics now to get you to wear you want to be in the next phase of your life. Remember you are a cycle breaker and therefor the trend setter. What trends are you setting for your future self?

Complete and Continue