RED Book- Cleansing My Soul Stress Pg. 37

Red Book Reading/Activity Pg.37

Facilitators, ask your girls to turn to page 37 in their books to read and discuss the following:

Cleansing My Soul-Stress 101

Let's talk about Stress baby...

What are somethings that you stress about? (Family, School, Friends Work, etc)

How do you handle your stress?

Here are some ways that you can reduce your stress level:

Identify the source: Find out who or what has you down and make a conscious decision to let it go. Do not let problems take up space in your head rent free. So FREE your mind by talking to your mom, Sista, mentor, or counselor.

How do you quiet your mind enough to hear your hearts (emotional) needs?

Breathe: Sometimes when you take a breathe, it's easier to find a solution. I always take a deep breathe in and let go! Just remember to breathe out also! Breathe in and out!

Review the 30 second video on 4-7-8 breathing exercise for anxiety and stress below.

Get Healthy: Nutrition can be a major factor when dealing with stress. Remember that saying, "You are what you eat"? Well, in a way, that's kind of true..because what you put into your body determines how your body feels. Do you get it? EAT well, BE well!!

What's something healthy that you love to eat?

Work it out: Find a way to release tension, through exercise, Zumba Nia NOW, yoga, walking or running. Working up a sweat and getting your heart rate going will definitely make your body react positively. SO like Nike says "JUST DO IT!

What is your favorite form of exercise?

Sleep: Duh! You need it. No texting zone in your bed. Some of you need 8 hours, some less, but get it in! Sleep is crucial mentally, physically, and spiritually. Sleep deprivation makes you irritable and distracted. Not good! In order to get enough sleep, stay away from caffeine late in the day or before you plan to go to sleep, develop a regular sleep pattern (in other words, have a regular time you go to bed and get up); don't overdo the naps; make it easy to fall asleep by limiting noise and anything else that might distract you from sleeping; and learn your own sleeping habits.

Your challenge is to set up screen time on your phone to limit your app usages after a certain time of the day. You choose the day and the time. Click here for the step-by-step on how to set up screen time. Facilitators feel free to share this link via smart board or mass email.

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