RED Book- Perfectly Imperfect

Dear Perfectly Imperfect,

Being a teenager can be the most difficult time of your life TRUST ME, it wasn't that long ago for me. But what I do wish is that I had my current self, be able to tell my past self a few things. I thought I might share those things with you.

  1. Life is tough. That is a fact but trust me when I say, that you are tougher.
  2. In a world that's constantly trying to change you, the best thing you can do you is stay true to yourself. Peer pressure does exist but even more than your peers, are strangers. Don't let them break you because like I said in number one, YOU ARE TOUGHER.
  3. I'm sure you've heard that sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt you, right? Well it's a lie. It's true that sticks and stones can indeed break you bones but bones heal. People will never forget how you made them feel with your words. They do the most damage because what's heard cannot be unheard.
  4. I'm sure you own a mirror and probably a television. I'm even sure that you've compared yourself to a couple of celebrities. You are beautiful in your own way. Key word being: (Your). You were't meant to look like anybody else. Do me a favor. Every time you look in the mirror, compliment yourself. Love starts from within. So love yourself first and watch others fall in line.
  5. Knowledge is POWER. I bet you're wondering why I bolded those words huh? Well it's simple, my Mother told me a long time ago that looks will fade but my intelligence will blossom. To learn is to grow. Never hit a plateau. Never hit your peak. Keep growing.
  6. Lastly, I want you to know that you have purpose. You were put here for a reason. You may not realize what your purpose is yet but trust me. YOU HAVE ONE. You are special. You are amazing. You are exactly what the higher power what you to be.

I don't have all the answers. Trust me, I'm not the wisest out there bu I do have a past and I'm sure you do too. Don't let your past define you. You define you. You make your own destiny. You control your future. There is a cheat to life: always enjoy it being you.

"Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you." - Steve Maraboli


Your Older Sista Lexi

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