SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul : What is Black? (optional)

After watching the video below on "Flexin in My Complexion" please share your thoughts in the comment section? Even if your are not an African-American girl, hearing her view in regards to bullying; How does it make you feel? leave your comments in the comment section please.

What Is Black?

Blacka than the cherryest cola

Browna than the brownest fried chicken

On a Sunday afternoon

My beautiful Black babies, you are my sunshine, my cocoa moon.

Sweet potato, apple pie, honey on the rock, light brown, suga dark,

chocolate almond kissed skin, almond eyes that glitter within!

I love my beautiful, Black babies.

Spring, summer, winter, yes! I’m fallin for you!

Yes, you…peanut buster parfait, with your wavy, curly, kinky hair.

Be it long or short, it bounces back and I like it like that!


Blow me kisses and I’ll blow you one back!

Lips full like strawberries, cantaloupe skin.

Short, tall, thick or thin, love yourself outside and in.

This is your world you’re living in, and your presence demands respect,

my beautiful Black friend…We are one!

Daughters of the dusk! You are who I am, caramel, mocha skin.

Be the color you’re in because it is who you be!

Be it light skin girls or dark skin girls. Black is who you be!

Princess, My love, Who is Black? You are Black!

What is Black? We are Black! And…

Black is who we be!

Share in the comment section below your favorite line in the poem and why?

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