I Define ME Pledge and Song

Learn the I Define ME Pledge!

Today is the first official day.

Distribute the IDM Bands and IDM Pledge Cards.

Mentor/facilitator should state the pledge and ask the girls to repeat after them for each line; the pledge is printed on the IDM Pledge cards as reference for the girls to read and follow along.

Facilitator, please read the following aloud to your girls after you have read the pledge together.

"You are officially an I Define ME Girl, so we want you to begin to memorize this pledge. Say it to yourself every day. Remember, you can always refer to I Define ME Pledge Affirmation Cards if you forget the words."

Watch the group pledge video below and follow us on FB or IG.

Lastly, end with the SistaKeeper song. Play the video below to see and hear the lyrics.

"A sistakeeper is YOU

A sistakeeper is ME

A sistakeeper is WE

Uhn Uhn"

Bonus Activity

The SistaKeeper Pledge can also be found on Youtube, with India Arie. This is a more "calm" version of the pledge and can be used however often your group desires to use it.

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