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Nat'l School Chapter Portal. HS
Portal includes RED Book , SistaKeeper Poetry for Soul
IDM Circle Format
IDM School Chapter Welcome/IDM Pledge (4:06)
Forms for Parents
IDM Pre-test for girls
IDM Post test for girls
IDM survey for staff
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book-Week 1 Self Awareness
IDM Affirmation Word
Keeper Conversation Journal Entry! (QOTD)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul : Mirror Mirror (2:35)
IDM Meditaton/Reflection Song
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul : What is Black? (4:25)
IDM Activity: Defining Diversity (6:33)
Let it GO/Let it FLOW
I Define ME Pledge/ or Song (Read-A-long) (2:54)
Facilitator Feedback
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book - Week 2 Diversity
IDM Affirmation
Keeper Conversation Journal Entry! (QOTD)
IDM Meditation Song - I Am Light (India Arie) (3:52)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul: What is Diversity?
IDM Video: Defining Race! (4:16)
Let it GO/Let it FLOW
I Define ME Pledge (Read-A-long) (2:54)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book - Week 3
IDM Meditation
Keeper Conversation Journal Entry! (QOTD)
IDM Book: Forgiveness
IDM Video: Defining Segregation (3:44)
Let it GO/Let it FLOW
I Define ME Pledge (Read-A-long) (2:54)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book - Week 4
IDM Affirmation
I Define ME Meditation
IDM Song of the Day (2:40)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul~Feel the Rhythm
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul ~SunFlower
Keeper Conversation Journal Entry! (QOTD)
Let it GO/Let it FLOW
I Define ME Pledge (Read-A-long) (2:54)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book Week 5 - Self-Management
IDM Affirmation
I Define ME Meditation
Keeper Conversation Journal Entry! (QOTD)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul: I Stands for Me
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul: A Gift
Let it GO/Let it FLOW
I Define ME Pledge (Read-A-long) (2:54)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book - Week 6
IDM Affirmation
I Define ME Meditation
Keeper Conversation Journal Entry! (QOTD)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul: One Thing I Know for Sure
Let it GO/Let it FLOW
I Define ME Pledge (Read-A-long) (2:54)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book Week 7 - Social Awareness
IDM Affirmation
I Define ME Meditation
Keeper Conversation Journal Entry! (QOTD)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul: Break the Cycle
Let it GO/Let it FLOW
I Define ME Pledge (Read-A-long) (2:54)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book - Week 8
IDM Affirmation
I Define ME Meditation
Keeper Conversation Journal Entry! (QOTD)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul: Sticks and Stones
Let it GO/Let it FLOW
I Define ME Pledge (Read-A-long) (2:54)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book Week 9 - Relationship Skills
IDM Affirmation
Keeper Conversation Journal Entry! (QOTD)
I Define ME Meditation
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul: Sista Love
Let it GO/Let it FLOW
I Define ME Pledge (Read-A-long) (2:54)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book Week 10- Responsibility
IDM Affirmation
I Define ME Meditation
Keeper Conversation Journal Entry! (QOTD)
Sistakeeper Poetry for the Soul: Challenge Me
Let it GO/Let it FLOW
I Define ME Pledge (Read-A-long) (2:54)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book Week 11 - Responsible Decision Making-Goals
IDM Affirmation
IDM Reflection Song (4:04)
Keeper Conversation Journal Entry! (QOTD)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul: You Hold The Key
I Define ME Discussion: Goals
I Define ME Pledge (Read-A-long) (2:54)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul Book- Week 12 - Final Circle Celebration
IDM Affirmation
IDM Meditation Song of the Day (Respect) (2:40)
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul-Destiny's Child
Let it GO/Let it FLOW
I Define ME Pledge (Read-A-long) (2:54)
IDM Post Survey/Feedback
IDM Evaluation
Reaching the Essence of Development (RED Book)- HS
Welcome to the I Define ME Girl University (Facilitator)
Pre/Post Survey for Girls
Welcome IDM School Chapter
Additional Facilitator Info
RED BOOK Lesson 1- Self-Esteem
RED Affirmation Word of the week
RED Reflection Song (0:05)
RED Book- Critic who counts Pg.18
RED Book: Do Everything From A Place of Love pg. 18
RED Video (4:10)
SistaKeeper Pledge and/or Song (2:39)
Let It Go/Let Flow
RED BOOK Lesson 2: Self-Awareness
RED Affirmation Word of the Week
RED Reflection or Meditation Song
Red Book-Perfectly Imperfect Pg. 74
RED Book Activity
RED Video (3:21)
Let It Go/Let Flow
SistaKeeper Pledge and Song
RED BOOK Lesson 3: Self-Empowerment
RED Affirmation Word of the Week
IDM Reflection or Meditation Song
RED Book: Self-Esteem
I DEFINE ME Activity/Discussion
Let It Go/Let Flow
SistaKeeper Pledge and Song
Optional Video
RED BOOK Lesson 4: Character
RED Affirmation Word of the week
RED Reflection or Meditation Song
RED Video
RED Book-Ode to little Sister Pg. 25
Let It Go/Let Flow
Sista Keeper Pledge or Song
RED BOOK Lesson 5: Body Image
RED Affirmation Word of the week
RED Reflection or Meditation Song
RED Book-What is Body Image? Pg. 41
Optional RED Videos (3:40)
Let It Go/Let Flow
Sista Keeper Pledge or Song
RED BOOK Lesson 6: Social Media
RED Affirmation Word of the Week
RED Book- Social Peer Pressures, Media, and Marketing
RED Video- Social Media
Let It Go/Let Flow
SistaKeeper Pledge and Song
RED BOOK Lesson 7: Nutrition/Exercise
RED Affirmation Word of the week
RED Reflection or Meditation Song
Red Book- Never let anyone stop you from being amazing Pg. 71
Optional Red Videos (3:43)
RED Journal
Let It Go/Let Flow
SistaKeeper Pledge and Song
RED BOOK Lesson 8: Hygiene
RED Affirmation Word of the Week
RED Reflection or Meditation Song
RED Book- Cleansing My Body-pg. 21
Optional RED Video
Optional Red Video
Let It Go/Let Flow
SistaKeeper Pledge and Song
RED BOOK Lesson 9: Stress Management
RED Affirmation Word of the Week
IDM Reflection or Meditation Song
RED Book- Cleansing My Soul Stress Pg. 37
RED Activity
Optional Red Book Videos
Let It Go/Let Flow
SistaKeeper Pledge and Song
RED BOOK Lesson 10: Importance of Academics
RED Affirmation Word of the Week
IDM Reflection or Meditation Song
RED Book- Perfectly Imperfect
RED Book- Break The Cycle
Let It Go/Let Flow
SistaKeeper Pledge and Song
RED BOOK Lesson 11: Building Positive Relationships
RED Affirmation Word of the Week
IDM Reflection or Meditation Song
SistaKeeper Pledge and Song
IDM Reflection or Meditation Song
Red Book-Pg.13, 16
Optional Red Book Activity
Optional RED Video
Let It Go/Let Flow
SistaKeeper Pledge and Song
RED BOOK Lesson 12: Responsibility to Community
RED Affirmation Word of the Week
IDM Reflection or Meditation Song
IDM Activity
Let It Go/Let Flow
SistaKeeper Pledge and Song
RED BOOK Lesson 13: Leadership/Celebration
RED Affirmation Word of the Week
Videotape girls meditating to the Meditation Song
SistaKeeper Pledge and Song
Culminating Ceremony
SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul: One Thing I Know for Sure
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