SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul~Feel the Rhythm

Feel the Rhythm!

There is no music to my words

Because…I want the message to be


I am not

Here to entertain you!

The words have rhythm

The beat is in your spirit,


You need no music


Educate your mind

Dance to your own rhythm

Snap to your own beat

As long as you feel it!


On the spoken words

Let them resonate

In your soul

Peace be still!

In your present, ease the pain

That life can bring


Healing thyself first

Believing if I can make it

You can make it

If you can make it

We can make it!


A SistaKeeper is YOU! A SistaKeeper is ME!

A SistaKeeper is WE!

Reflection Journal Entry: In your journal write what it means to rock to your own beat, meaning to be your own person. as an individual. While listening to music, create a playlist of your top 5 motivational songs that inspire you.

Bonus Entry: Write your own Feel the Rhythm Poem (share with your circle)

Journal Entry

In your journal write what it means to rock to your own beat, meaning to be your own person. as an individual. While listening to music, create a playlist of your top 5 motivational songs that inspire you.

Bonus Entry: Write your own Feel the Rhythm Poem (share with your circle)

Create a Playlist:

While listening to music, create a playlist of your top 5 motivational songs that inspire you, and write a poem using the titles in the song.

*Optional Share in the comments

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