SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul: A Gift
A Gift
Beautiful little sista, did you know you are a gift?
Yes, you are a gift of life…
Open yourself up and look inside, see the inner beauty that resides…
Cherish it, love it, experience it, believe in it, be worthy of it,
be empowered, be encouraged, and be enlightened!
Know you are a gift and everyone around you should appreciate you. Do not ever give up on you.
Open yourself up and live life to the fullest, always remembering you deserve the best!
See your inner spirit and know you are a gift of life. The power of God lives within you and through God, all things are possible.
A gift~Journal Reflection: Repeat out loud~I take care of my health, eat right, and exercise daily because I am a gift.
Write in journal:
Name three healthy foods.
Discuss three ways you can exercise daily to stay health
Discuss three ways you can be a gift to others.
Journal Entry:
Name Three Healthy Foods you like? i.e. Popcorn...
Name Three ways you can exercise daily? i.e. walk, run...
Name Three ways you will take care of self? i.e. Listen to music, dance, journal...
Name Three ways you can be a gift to someone else? i.e. listen to a friend, help with homework...
Write a Poem or Short Story entitled The Gift