SistaKeeper Poetry for the Soul: I Stands for Me

I Stand for Me!

Some people may say you’re selfish, stubborn or bullheaded, but what you want them to know is; you’re none of the above, you’re just independent! What does independent mean, they say? Independent means…

I stand for me!

Allowing you to define me limits my mind so…

I stand for me!

Holding my words is like holding my breath and I need to speak so…

I stand for me!

Honoring the truth is to live for life and I choose to live my life so…

I stand for me!

You don’t tell me what you think I should do with my life and how you think I should feel or define myself, or how you think I should think or act.

You cannot control my life; I am not what you perceive, but what I believe. You see, my spirit leads me and you will appreciate me and respect me.

I will stand with integrity because I love me unconditionally and no matter who tries to break my fall, it is impossible, because I am independent and above all…

I stand for me!

Discussion Questions:

*Discuss with your friends what it means to speak your mind?

*Discuss what it means to be respected

*Discuss what being Independent means

*Discuss what you do to relieve stress?

Create a Wellness Kit

(Time for a Wellness Break!)

Play your playlist or listen to our I Define ME Meditation Song/Take 5 Deep breathes inside and out.

Eat your favorite Chocolate or fruit

Create a small Wellness Keeper Kit box with some of your favorite stress-relievers (Body Butter, etc) List them and place them in a decorated box

Complete and Continue